Transition to Trainer ONLINE
All Day
(920) 228-2707
Transition to Trainer
Pre-Requisite: 4th or 5th Year Apprentice
Day/Time: Online, Self Paced, starting August 30, 2021 to November 28, 2021
Location: Online, N/A
Instructor: S. Wenger
Course Materials Needed:
- Apprentice Packet
- Toolkit
- Participation & Survey Forms
Course Description: This is a state requirement. This course deals with gaining skills to become a jobsite trainer, role model, and perhaps a mentor to those who follow you. Most learning takes place through the daily interaction between an apprentice and his or her co-workers. By introducing the new Journeyworker to a new set of basic tools, the new Journeyworker will seek out opportunities to actively improve apprenticeship training and to give back to your trade. The learning units include:
- Making the Transition from Student to Teacher
- Providing Orientation – Serving as a Mentor and Job Coach
- Fostering a Positive Work Environment
- Planning Hands-On Skill Training
- Provide Feedback on Job Performance
You will receive an email when the class is open and ready for you to complete with the link to the online course management system, Blackboard.
Due to this being a self-paced course, you can enroll in this course mid-semester.
Not completing the class in its entirety prior to the deadline will result in you not receiving credit for the class and having to start the class entirely over.
Sign ups are closed for this class.